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Teen Addiction Treatment

Newport Academy Substance Abuse Resources: Addiction Treatment Newport Academy Substance Abuse Resources: Addiction Treatment
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The choices your teen makes today, affect them tomorrow.

Teen addiction treatment can be incredibly important to an adolescent’s health and future. Drugs and alcohol have the ability to impact teen development emotionally, behaviorally, socially, mentally, and physically. A one-time experiment can result in overdose or accident that changes life permanently.

Steady drug use can mean constant exposure to those risks plus lost opportunities for college, development of healthy hobbies and athletics, and positive friendships. Addiction in the teen years can set up your child for a lifetime of struggle.

Teen Addiction Treatment

Don’t wait to get them the help they need to heal if you believe that drug and/or alcohol addiction is a problem for your teen. The long-term impact of substance use disorder can change an entire family’s life.

Signs Your Teen Needs Addiction Treatment Help

It is often difficult for parents to know when to take action. This is because many signs of drug abuse are typical teenage behaviors. They tend to feel unsure.

According to the U.S. Library of Medicine’s PubMed Health, some of these signs and symptoms of teen addiction include:

  • Sudden weight loss or gain
  • Changing sleep patterns
  • High energy or chattiness
  • Upper respiratory issues (e.g., nosebleeds or sinusitis) which are signs of drug use
  • Incense, dryer sheets, or perfume to hide smoke or smells related to drugs
  • Increased need for money
  • Paraphernalia such as pipes, rolling papers, etc.
  • Eye drops which can be used to mask bloodshot eyes
  • Dental problems which can be a sign of methamphetamine use
  • Prescription drugs missing from family or friends

If you notice these symptoms in your teen, please take immediate action. Talk to your child about drugs and alcohol. If they seem to minimize or deny, consider taking them to the doctor for a drug test.

10 Things You Should Know About Teen Addiction Treatment

It is tempting to believe that this might just be a phase. Many parents hope that experimentation will simply pass. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way for many teens. For this reason, quick and strong action will go a long way. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Addiction is not a phase. If your teenager is abusing drugs and alcohol on a regular basis, it is not a problem that will go away if you ignore it. The longer you put off treatment, the more treatment they will require to regain balance in life.
  2. Teen addiction treatment speaks directly to the issues that affect young people. The reasons why teens become addicted can be different than for adults. Teen counselors understand the differences and help young people to heal.
    1. Conflict at home
    2. Peer pressure
    3. Self-image issues
    4. Sexual or physical abuse
  3. Teen addiction treatment addresses more than just alcohol. Currently, there are qualified teen addiction treatment programs around the country that are helping young people with drug addiction, eating addiction, gambling addiction, and other behavioral addictions.
  4. Early intervention and treatment equals the best results. Studies show that the earlier the treatment is received, the better, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Therefore, the sooner you address the problem, the more likely your teen will recover.
  5. Reasons why teens become addicted include underlying mental health issues, due to trauma and attachment issues.
  6. Residential and outpatient addiction treatment both offer benefits. Residential treatment programs provide a place for the teenager to live and focus solely on their recovery, away from the distractions in their home environment. Outpatient facilities meet for counseling and other programs during the day. Both can be beneficial for your teen’s needs.
  7. Teen addiction treatment can take 45 days and usually 90 days or longer. There are no quick fixes when it comes to teen rehab. Most facilities tell their patients to plan on being in the program for at least 45 days and maybe 90 days or longer.
  8. Academics can be a priority during teen rehab. School doesn’t have to fall to the wayside. There are teen treatment centers that keep teens on track with school, while in the program.
  9. The family plays a key role in treatment. It is important to get the whole family involved in the process. Parents and siblings can learn how their actions can impact the health of their loved one.
  10. When the program is over, the work is just beginning. Completing treatment is an accomplishment. But once the individual returns home, they must put everything they have learned into use. That is why aftercare programs such as follow-up counseling and support groups play such a vital role. The caring staff of professionals at Newport Academy provides a holistic approach that enriches teenagers and their families in mind, body and soul.

Treatment at Newport Academy

Newport Academy is a healing treatment center for teens and their families. We offer tailored treatment, gender-specific residences, and individualized programs.

Contact us today for support and guidance. We know how hard it can be to make that first call; we’ve been there. We are here to help, always. Counselors are standing by 24 hours a day to take your call.